Whenever I start thinking about a no-reply from address, in any sort of email message, it gives me severe anxiety. My heart starts pounding and I swear, I can hear the Jaws theme song…Duuun dun duuun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.
So, let me explain: No-Reply from address
Anyone with an inbox has seen this before. In fact, its commonplace. It usually looks something like this: no-reply@thebusinessname.com.
There are several sensible reasons to use a no-reply address when sending commercial messages. Some do it because they do not want to bombard one team member with hundreds of out-of-office replies. Common as this is, the practice is generally disliked by email recipients, myself included.
Why? No-replies feel impersonal and convey a certain arrogance. They also come across as uncaring to customers and limits your engagement with them. After all, you are asking them to take the time to read your messages, and with a no-reply email address, you are blocking any feedback from them

James The Jangolope
Department of Awesome
About James
James the Jangolope is our JangoSMTP mascot. Each month, look for our new “James Explains” emails and blog posts on transactional email advice, trends, and quick tips. James will offer insight on how to improve your SMTP plan and how to use your JangoSMTP account to the fullest
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