There’s no better time to upsell than through an email confirmation.
Imagine this, a customer has just completed an order on your ecommerce site. Let’s say they've ordered 250 business cards. You have your automated messages set up in JangoSMTP, like a lot of our users do, so that your customers receive an order confirmation immediately following each transaction.
When would be a better time to offer that customer a discount and free shipping on an additional 250 business cards?...NOW
You could also offer related products like personalized stationary, promotional ink pens, or business card magnets. This customer is in the mood to buy, so take advantage of each opportunity.
They've already placed an order through your website, and entered their payment and shipping information. It would be unusually easy to add items to their order now. That's an opportunity no business can afford to ignore! Make sure you incorporate upselling into your next campaign.
As always, I’m James, the most interesting animal in email marketing. Keep it locked here for the latest and greatest!

James The Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About James
James the Jangolope is our JangoSMTP mascot. Each month, look for our new “James Explains” emails and blog posts on transactional email advice, trends, and quick tips. James will offer insight on how to improve your SMTP plan and how to use your JangoSMTP account to the fullest
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