Start by downloading and installing the WP Mail SMTP plugin. To install it, just unzip it and upload it to your plugins folder, which can be found within the wp-content folder.
Then log in to your Wordpress blog, go to the plugins page and enable the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin. Go to the settings page for this plugin and enter this information:
Mailer: Send all Wordpress emails via SMTP.
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 25 (or whatever you normally use)
Encryption: No encryption (or whatever you normally use)
Authentication: Yes: Use SMTP authentication.
Username: Your JangoSMTP Username
Password: Your JangoSMTP Password
Your settings page should look something like this:
Then all of your Wordpress emails will be sent through JangoSMTP. You can enable tracking and other features through the JangoSMTP settings.